Wednesday, March 16, 2011

About Finding Extrusion Parts that You Need

There is hardly any industry that does not need precision products. The textile industry needs them in a big way and so does the power generation sector. If you are into medical or defense products you may need precision engineering to help you out and so will the automotive sector, the firearms industry, the plastic and rubber extrusion trade as well as some seemingly unlikely industries such as those associated with jet turbine fuel systems and aerospace. One of the major areas of these products is in the extrusion parts for the textile industry.

The catalogue for extrusion parts is fairly large and includes such parts that are needed for aspirators and ceramic guides, idler rolls and interlacing jets among many others. Besides extrusion parts, application of precision engineering could be in extrusion machines such as for Barmag or Mackie, in air entanglement applications, in the heat set and twisting applications, coating and in miscellaneous equipment such as for packaging industry and mining or agricultural applications. Among all these applications, the heat set and twisting applications will include Superba parts.

Superba parts are fairly comprehensive and include items such as guide bars in various sizes, the rotating tension bar, small creel turnaround bracket, stainless squirrel cage, bar tension device, path divider, bearing block, turnaround roller and the idler shoulder bolt besides feed screws for both left hand and right hand coiler head. The tension belt roller is included and so are the left hand creel turnaround bracket and the stuffer box base plate among many others.

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